
In response ro a comment I received a few days ago, I will try to tell more about myself here. Not that I am trying to exude an aura of mystery but rather I am just not that so eloquent when it comes to describing myself or revealing personal details anout me. Anyway, I am Mae Seballos, a government employee since I started working in the year 1996, first as a volunteer earning only an allowance for four months before becoming a casual worker on January 1997 and now as a Management and Audit Analyst. Although my life has been entrenched in the field of Accounting, writing is and always will be my passion. I now have a family and blessed with three lovely daughters who seemed to have inherited my penchant for writing and music. I may have not grown up in a complete family and have not the fortune to have a responsible father, but I deeply believe that my Father in Heaven loves me more than any father here on earth. Life over the years wasn’t easy, and all emotions I go through I put it into writing and find comfort from expressing them in writing when I cannot speak of it. I hope to touch people in a way I never could express fluently in real situations. Many people may not understand what I feel anyway if I tell it. Well then, at least, allow me to be ME in this corner, this niche, I carved myself in this vast world of literature.

11 thoughts on “About

  1. page up
    page down
    it all turns around
    spinning world
    spinning head
    looking for
    timeless content
    living long
    after I am dead
    not just a blog
    like the morning fog
    soon after I am dead

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hmm, since I’ve joined WordPress, I still seemed to be unsure how to manage my site. Also, I think I’ve revealed important things about me on my post Amazingly Awed and on my post A Piece of My Mind.I hope you get to read them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It is amazing how kids can unlock the memories of our chodlhiod even relive them like we never aged. My son gives me a reason to smile, laugh perhaps even giggle whenever we enter his world of play and funny stories. The bazaar was idea and I was blessed to be a part of it. Thank you and wishing you an awesome days ahead.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Concurring with Staysha! Thank you, Mae, for sharing your story with us. 🙂

      Since your three lovely daughters have inherited your penchant for both writing and music, I have here a special post that combines both writing and music for you and your daughters to enjoy at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2013/03/10/soundeagle-in-soundcloud-art-music-and-compositions-about-new-sensations-love-life-country-nature-dreaming-meditation-and-spirituality/

      Happy August to you and your family!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome, Mae. Please be informed that you should preferably use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the multimedia contents, because my website could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately. A pair of high-quality headphones or excellent speakers are also essential to listen to the music.

        Liked by 2 people

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